
Lasers and Medicine in the 21st Century


Lasers are increasingly becoming indispensable in almost any type of modern surgery. Patients prefer laser surgery because it is less costly and bloodless, the procedure is fast, and recovery is almost instant. You can walk from laser surgery and join your colleagues at work the following day. It is also important to note that laser surgery reduces the chances of other organ infections, which are prevalent in conventional surgeries. Moreover, lasers can penetrate tissues at different depths by adjusting the wavelength and intensity of light. That makes lasers a go-to option for most physicians in open and laparoscopic procedures.

Lasers and Medicine

Lasers date back to almost six decades ago, when the first laser application was successful in 1960. Since then, more lasers have developed, and the options are overwhelming. However, it is important to note that most laser surgeries will be successful if conducted by modern, certified lasers. We recommend clinics that utilize reputable suppliers like The Laser Trader.

Here is everything that you need to learn and know about lasers and medicine in the 21st Century:

Three main types of lasers are used in medicine, depending on patient needs and the situation. These lasers include the Carbon dioxide (CO 2) laser, Neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd: YAG) laser, and Argon laser. The argon laser is for minor but delicate procedures that require minimal penetration, such as eye procedures and superficial skin treatment. Nd: YAG gives deeper penetration for doctors to see internal body parts such as the intestines and stomach. On the other hand, the CO 2 laser is mainly used to control bleeding when cutting through tissues.

  • Notable laser applications

Laser machines can be used separately or alongside conventional surgery tools to save lives and treat several medical conditions. For instance, it can address premature aging by removing wrinkles and scarring parts of the cosmetic industry’s skin. It is also used in cardiology and neurosurgery to restore function.

  • Diagnosis

Patients with conditions that deal with gastroenterology, pulmonology, and ophthalmology sciences may visit a doctor for diagnosis and possible treatments. While laser surgery may not have stringent requirements, such as a specific diet, a physician must do a physical examination and several blood tests before commencement.

  • Aftercare

Most laser surgeries are done on outpatient surgeries because they are easy to heal and don’t require close supervision. However, in the case of intensive procedures, your doctor may prescribe painkillers to be taken for some time.

  • Possible risks

Lastly, you might also be interested in knowing the possible risks associated with laser surgical procedures. However, most of the risks are associated with unprofessionalism. For instance, wrong light focus with excess intensity and wavelength can cause delicate body organs such as the lungs to puncture or even explode. In carbon dioxide lasers, patients are encouraged to wear protective eye gear at all times lest it damages the eye. It is important to note that the eyewear’s wavelength should be proportional to that of lasers for maximum protection.

You have the basic things you need to learn about laser and medical applications there. If you’re looking forward to having a cosmetic procedure in the future, consider direct references and online reviews to point you to the right clinic.

Carol P. Middleton
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