
Harris County Property Taxes – When Does It Matter?


Harris County property taxes are not based on your income or how much you spend. Instead, they are determined by what your home is worth. Your home can be sold, bought, resold, or even demolished if the assessed value remains at the original amount.

Every property owner in Harris County faces a dilemma at some point. If you live in Houston and your property taxes increase, you may wonder when it matters. We’ll look at the difference between assessed and taxable values to help you understand the difference.

They either need to pay their property taxes or fight them. But how much should they be paying? We’ll look at what you should expect to pay in taxes. Then, we’ll discuss calculating the amount you’ll be paying and the difference between assessed and taxable values.

Property Taxes

What Is Homestead Exemption?

When it comes to assessing values, there are two main kinds of properties: those that are exempt and those that aren’t.

Property owners who are exempt from property taxes include:

• Those who live on their property full-time

• Veterans who serve honorably

• Active military members

• Retirees

• Surviving spouses of deceased veterans

• Married couples who have been homeowners for at least ten years

• Heads of households where all household members are disabled

• Unmarried persons under the age of 18

• People living in public housing

• People who live in a houseboat, mobile home, or RV

• People who are disabled and receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

• People who are elderly and receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

• People whose income is below certain thresholds

How To Calculate Property Taxes

Houston is home to over 2 million people, and each year, the city collects over $3 billion in property taxes. That means that every property owner in the town faces a dilemma at some point.

They either need to pay their property taxes or fight them. But how much should they be paying? The city’s tax rate is based on the total assessed value of all properties in the county.

Property taxes are assessed based on a property’s market value. The county’s appraiser determines property values. The assessor determines the total estimated value of all properties.

For example, an estimated $300,000 is assigned a market value of $300,000, and the assessor calculates the total assessed value of all houses in the county to be $4,000,000.

Calculating honesty of Ownership

When calculating your property taxes, you can only consider the land. We know that two main components make up a property’s cost of Ownership. The first is the value of the land itself, and the second is the value of the improvements on that land.

Land values are relatively stable, and a good estimate can be made by looking at comparable properties in the same area. Assessed values are based on a set amount of money the county says a property is worth. Estimated values are usually lower than the true market value. Taxable values are based on what the taxing authority says a property is worth.

Let’s say you own a home in Houston with a $500,000 assessed value. The county has determined that your property is worth $700,000. This is the taxable value. Your property is now worth more than the estimated value that the county gave it. So what does this mean for you?

How To Calculate Homestead Deduction

We’ll start by looking at the difference between assessed and taxable values.

Assessed Value:

Taxable Value:

Now, you know your taxes, but you still need to know how much your homestead exemption will be.

Homestead Exemption:

When you calculate your tax liability, you can deduct your homestead exemption from your total liability. It’s important to note that you can only remove the value of your primary residence, and you can’t take a tax deduction for the land itself.

How do Harris County property taxes affect you?

As an owner of real estate in Harris County, TX, you will need to pay taxes on your property. These taxes are based on the assessed value of your home. If you own a home worth $500,000, the county assessor will set the value at $500,000. However, there is a distinction between your property tax bill and the amount that you owe.

When you file your property tax bill, it will show the total amount of taxes you owe, but it will also offer a breakdown of the assessed value and the taxabofferalue of your property.

Frequently Asked Questions Property Taxes

Q: Why not?

A: I own a home inherited from my father and have lived there for over ten years. My mother and I also pay for the house, but she pays $900 monthly, while I pay $500.

Q: Is it better to pay less or more?

A: I would rather pay more since we live in the home. We live in our house, and I am still paying for that home.

Q: How muhouseoney can be saved by not paying taxes?

A: We were saving over $800 per month.

Q: Would you pay more taxes to save more money?

A: Yes, if it meant saving more money, then yes.

Top 5 Myths About Property Taxes

1. Property taxes are only a way to pay for public schools.

2. Local elected officials set property taxes.

3. Property taxes do not affect how much I make yearly.

4. Property taxes are based on the assessed value of a home or other property.

5. The City of Houston does not charge taxes on property owned by a non-resident or foreign entity.


To understand where the property tax rate is headed, you should look at the recent history of property taxes in Harris County. This is a good place to start since the county has been at the forefront of property tax reform for the last few years.

The first thing to consider is whether the county is truly taxing market value. Market value is a property’s current value on the open market. If a property were purchased a month ago for $1 million, its market value would probably be much less than the assessed value.

It’s important to know if the county is taxing market value or assessed value. Market value means the owner is paying the property’s full value, whereas estimated value means that the county assessor has set a deal that the owner must pay.

Carol P. Middleton
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